Protected: walk in the dark 2

February 10, 2009 at 11:22 pm (Uncategorized)

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Protected: A walk in the dark

January 31, 2009 at 11:58 pm (Uncategorized)

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Contextual Studies

November 18, 2008 at 9:36 pm (Uncategorized)

The Bride Of Frankenstein,1935. [film] Directed by James Whale. 2005 [DVD] UK: Universal Pictures UK.

[Accessed 17th November 2008]

This film is a masterpiece of a classical 1930’s horror film. It’s a sequal to that of “Frankenstein” which came out in 1931. The film opens up at the mill where the first film had ended, where the recently near to death monster walks out of the burning ambers and goes on another killing rampage. Soon we find out that Henry Frankenstein is making another monster, a woman, his creation is another success as he shouts, “Its Alive!” and the rest of the story follows the monster trying to make the bride love him.
The whole tale is yet again spooky, and grips the audience in with a twisted love story.
This film is a great film to use when looking at classical Hollywood, especially the scene where the female monster is brought to life. Its very dramatised/theatrical and holds the still camera position which are stereotypical to that of a classical film.

JAWS,1976. [film] Directed by Steven Spielberg. 2005 [DVD] UK: Universal Pictures UK.

[Accessed 17th November 2008]

Jaws was and still is a great example for an American New Wave film. It marked the beginning of new Hollywood with its unique editing styles and story line.
I looked at the opening scene to the film where the audience are presented with a group of teenagers partying on a beach around a bonfire. This sort of drunken nature was never usually shown for teenagers in classical films it sparked a more daring nature within the films of today. The female is the first to enter the water and swims out into the deep as her partner undresses. The directed then uses music to play with the readers emotion as they know something is about to happen, and as expected her body is pulled under and you witness a horrifying scene where she battles against a giant white shark for her life. She loses.
If someone where to be writing an essay on New Hollywood Cinema, Jaws would be a great example to use.

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Vampire Kiss

November 17, 2008 at 10:20 pm (Uncategorized)

Let me stroke your hair
Let me touch your skin
Give me just a taste
Tilt your chin

Lips upon your throat
Fangs within your vein
Sipping at your blood
Feel the pain

Cold may be my touch
Do not stop to think
You will be on fire
As I drink

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October 25, 2008 at 10:05 pm (Uncategorized)

Just wondering, how many of you actually read my blogs?! … drop a comment.
I MIGHT deleat it =/

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Long time no speak!

October 9, 2008 at 12:45 am (Uncategorized)

So much is happening in my life at the moment its hard to imagine where to start! Life is absolutely splendid and normal you could say!
I’ve not posted a proper heart to heart blog to you readers in a long while as I’ve being far to busy or tired! Even though its currently 1.15 am and I need to get up at 7am tomorrow to go to college I thought I’d talk a bit about what I’ve being up to and my feelings… because for some reason there are people out there who want to know about my life. Like zomg!


So last year I did my A1s, studying Media, textiles and drama. I didn’t enjoy much of last year what so ever as I was a regular victim to bullying etc hence found it hard to concentrate in lessons. This resulted in my attendance decreasing and during the summer holiday the disappointing grade results which I spoke to you about previously.

So I decided instead of taking a gap year, which I’m so glad I didn’t do!, I’d join another college. North Warwickshire and Hinckley college.

Im taking a national diploma in Media there.

Lessons =

Professional Practice

Visual Communication
Contextual studies
Moving Image

And Digital arts

Pretty cool huh? Some of the stuff we’ve learnt so far has being really interesting.
We have 4 projects on at the moment, which is one major reason why im so busy

1) Visual Communication project to create 3 posters designed around comfort, fear and anger. I’m using photoshop to create these, first timer on the program and might I say I’m not that bad at it!

2) Moving image project is to create a 4-6minute movie opening which has to have some form of chase scene in it. (This is due in in two weeks and im still stuck for fucking ideas!!!!!!)

3) Design project to create a poster which has the colour black on it, the texture of leather, evolve around the year 1921, has leather on it, has something to do with transportation and the quote, “that’s the way I like it baby” (everybody got given different things for theirs) …… I basically decided to do sumit about the miners strike in 1921… that all links together 😀 I just need to think of a good poster idea… again that’s due in soon!

4) Digital Arts assignment is to create a folder brief about any movment of choice. My group are doing work on the 60’s…. we just need to START this. Ahaha

But all in all im enjoying college! Its busy and hard work, but A LOT of fun…. I learnt how to use final cut pro today also.


When joining a new college the main thing I was worried about, wasn’t lessons or getting on with my teachers as im sure I’d do GREAT at that… it was the fear about making friends. In my last college I was that quiet girl youd always see sat by herself at the back of the library or near the front of class. Yep, totally different to what YOU people read and see via my youtube.
But through youtube I tend to be myself… and I was afraid to be myself out in public you could say, however at this college I thought “fuck it … im going to be who I am and see what people think!”

First day. I admit I was that shy girl … I made one friend which was nice =]

Second day. I wasn’;t that shy girl anymore… I spoke up in class, I walked over and introduced myself to people and I got accepted quickly into a group of friends! …

Its being about a month I’ve being at this college, and I hang around with all these friends during and after college and I’ve learnt to love them dearly.

One of them, who grabbed my attention from the first day is of course Jordan. We’ve being going out for 2 weeks now, and I know some people think that’s a bit quick to go into a relationship with sometbody … as I’ve only known him for over a month. But if you people could experience the happiness Jordan has given to me, you wouldn’t want to ever let him go. He’s helped me through a lot and we spend A LOT of time together… I even introduced him to some of my youtube friends at….. (new section time I think)

18th Birthday

…. My 18th birthday!
Basically October 2nd, which was a Thursday Jordan came back to my house after college… we get Fridays off of college which is good! So he slept over… we had a …. Fun night, hehe. Over slept… *cough* and I woke up to like….3 birthday cards and one present, which was from Benjys family. Was nice of them
I was a bit sad on my birthday… even tho my gran gave me £100 and my mum gave me an IOU £100 (basically she doesn’t want me to put it in my bank as she knows I’ll spend it), brother got me a litre of vodka and …. Well, that was all I got really =/ oh yeah mum got me a necklace, which im afraid to tell her…. Is horrible! Its sterling silver aswell, oh ek! Meh!

ANYHOO …. After morning of shit cards ahhaa me and jordan went to my grandma’s for birthday lunch. Oh my how I was surprised, I was just expecting a sanwhich but my gran made a buffet! She even got me a birthday cake and champagne! OMG. I love my gran 😀 she’s lovleyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Hehe. She loved Jordan aswell =] Yayyyyyy

So after that we hung at my house for a bit then Jordan went home and I met up with Toni where we went to Birmingham to see a concert. Amanda Palmer… it was an AMAZING CONCERT OEFHGSDOGHSDOGH DOGH 😀 😀 I got to the front row, touched Amanda …. The dancers where like ontop of me… I could feel her sweat on me.. the music was amazing… the acts was amazing…. The costumes were superb *sigh* it was AMAZING =D
Front row. Front row in the middle. Arghhh hehe. Ok sorry…

Ater the concert we picked Jordan up again then slept over mine.

Toni left the next morning and me and Jordan went to London where we had a gathering bbq at NSG’s house! 😀 It was my idea to host a gathering on this day and NSG suggested we had it at his place, so it just turned into the NSG bbq… but oh well 😀 thanks for the awesome food NSG ahaha seriously tho, he’s an amazing guy … I can’t even express how much I care for NSG.

Saw lots of people there, like doug! I’ve not seen doug in SOOOOOOOOOOO long now its crazy, was lovely seeing him again 😀
Being the youtubers that we are we made a youtube video, which was basically me filming the guys all acting like chavs singing to “badman” … where I make a 5 second appearance in it. Yay! Ahaha 😀 it was fun…. If ya wanna watch that video its on dougs youtube … so search epiphanized =]

After the bbq gathering me, Jordan and SPENCER went to Leicester square and went to that huge arcade place where im not even going to attempt to spell the name. Hung around there for an hour wasting money on funfunfun games ahahah 😀 also Jordan brought us all very fattening drinks from starbucks…. Extra extra whippy cream. Mmmm. Adding to my lovely lady bumps rather than my tummy I like to say XD
OK so after that we went to a pub had a few drinks THEN went to see Avenue Q. Amazing play!

So that was all from London, spencer came back to Leicester with me and Jordan and slept over my house… then the next day the three of us went to Leicester town and looked at the new “High cross” area… which is basically the new shopping area where we have an awesome new apple store… which is seriously awesome! Ahaha, hence that quick video I made on my youtube (I promis I’ll be uploading a proper video soon!)
We also saw some cool acrobat acts on a stage in the middle of town…. No idea what that was all about, some radio thing… with bellydancers and fire and shizzle like that… don’t ask.

Spencer went home =[
Then me and Jordan went back to mine …. That was fun. Hehe.

Now…. I could keep typing but its now 1.45am and I MUST go to bed… plus my hands are aching L but I hope you enjoyed my updates and HOPEFULLY I’ll get back into the swing of this site J

– Jessi


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This one guy …

September 18, 2008 at 7:22 pm (Uncategorized)

Means the world to me.
I met him 2 weeks ago, and my life has being amazing since.
He asked me out today.
I said yes.

(He’s the one on the far left ^_^)


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September 15, 2008 at 8:47 pm (Uncategorized)

You know what? …. Life is absolutely amazing for me at the moment. I couldn’t be having an even better time if I tried! Don’t have time to make a long post, but just want you guys to know I’m not dead etc… =]

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August 27, 2008 at 1:23 am (Uncategorized)

I always sit and wonder to myself, “What Group am I?” now what I mean by this is the thought that run through peoples heads to try and determine who I am.
See, I’d consider myself to dress at times quite emo/scene kid and then there’s days where I just look casual and I’m classed as “normal”
Now, I’ve said in my past blogs that im trying to move college to get a new start for a various of reasons. A main one of these is because of branding, as I’ve being in the same school/college for the past 3 years and the people from there knew me the 3 years before from our local highschool its pretty hard to create a new image of ones self when wanted.

In year 9. I was considered a boff, these where geeky kids who hung around with all your stereotypical “loosers” who didn’t go out drinking etc… and who didn’t wear the latest trends, did ALRIGHT in class and basically… A boff was not what I wanted to be. I only had 3 close friends in year 9, all of which I lost as they “changed” like I did.
So year 10 was a new school and I had many choices infront of me. A new school, a new image! Now, I know I was going to go for a Rock orientated brand but again there was so much choice!

Emo – These kids seem very colourful and childish with the things they wear. Now when I say colourful, they always tend to wear dark dark clothing but mix it with a bright colour! For example red and black is a popular combination! They’re also known for wearing a lot of eyeliner =/ So apart from image, emo’s are stereotypically people who keep to themselves and have a lot of feelings (EMOtional)

Skater – These are quite obviously the skaters, also BMXs and bladers. They’re a lively crowed, tend to get on the wrong side of things. Clothing is usually baggy jeans, van shows and plain tops with hoodys. Yep that’s them!

Goths – Black. Dark. Vampire like people who scare me.

Scene kid – Now a scene kid is VERY familiar to that of an emo kid. The only difference being they are a lot more social you could say. Quite often known to be “myspace whores” They wear their hair BIG and colourful and wear the same clothes of that of emo’s

So in the end, I hung around with the skater kids … they were popular and for the first time in years I had A LOT of friends. I loved it, but I got into some bad stuff with them, I started drinking a lot and doing some other stuff that you shouldn’t try until your atleast 21! I also started dressing emoish and got picked on a lot for this.
Now through year 10 and 11 I was fine being with these guys as they were my backup … but secretly I was a nerd and when at home I did my hardest to do al my homework etc. Most these friends didn’t get into year 12 where as I did… and that’s why I found it hard to shake off this image of being a skater … as I was alone I was the odd one in the bunch who always got bullied.

Looking back on it all I question, did I even need to make that choice?? Nobody around where I live actually knows the TRUE me. Infact, there are only 4 people who know who I REALLY am and that would be :

Toni my friend who lives around the corner and went through the same problems as I did. I still hang around with her as much as I can and I love her to bits! She always seems so cheerful and full of life even though her brand is, “Dirty depressed emo who slits her wrists” (she doesn’t btw) … shows what somepeople know *rolls eyes*

Spencer. My best friend from stoke! Ahaha this kid is amazing and I speak to him about almost everything! Past relationships. Sex. Crushes. Current relationships. College. God. Clothes. Youtube…. Ok lots. Ahaha. He’s always there for me!

Benjy, I met him a few months ago and we’ve being speaking nearly every day since. He’s a nice lad! Seems to make me smile a lot… when we first spoke I admit he didn’t know the true me, but after spending a week with me. He’s seen it 😛 whether I wanted him too or not.

Mum. N’uff said.

I’ve left college and I should be starting a new one very soon… and I make it my intention NOT to lie about who I really am. Be proud of the music I listen to, the friends I have, what I wear, my size, my makeup.

Right now, I’m just ME and life has never being anybetter.

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I feel sick :(

August 25, 2008 at 4:05 am (Uncategorized)

Don’t you just HATE those nights where you can’t get to sleep?
Now I’ll admit… I stayed up quite late tonight! I got a wee be side tracked when it came to time and didn’t realise it was so early. Its currently 5.05am in the morning, I’ve being trying to get to sleep since 3.45am.
I was up sooo late because I recently downloaded an old game which I love o’ so much called, “Guild wars” I found out a friend has it! So we was playing on it until late. I signed out of msn and set my status to busy on skype… so when I logged back into msn I saw loads of offline messages from people thinking I was appearing offline and on skype… the pop up doesn’t pop up when your set to busy so after clicking on a random name I found out they had being talking to me. Woops! ANYWAY …

As soon as I lay in my bed, closed my eyes and attempted to sleep I sneezed then all of a sudden my tummy hurted L So I went to the bathroom and WHAM … sick.
went back to bed… then had to rush back to the bathroom to be sick once more.
Then again to my bedroom, then back to the bathroom to be sick once more.

Im currently sat next to my toilet writing this, and I feel sooo bad! And what makes it WORSE is I know in 3 hours I have to be up and awake to do a radio show.. then go home to ring hinckley college in the hope they don’t put my interview date on when I should be going youstage..THEN going to work at the restaurant from 5pm until 1am! YES 1AM. How stupid is that.

So all in all… I hope this passes as im SHATTERD and I really really really want to go sleep. Maybe I should go get a bowel and put it by my bed.

yeah. I’m going to do that.


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