
August 22, 2008 at 6:36 pm (Uncategorized)

You know what… 5 days I’ve not logged into my xbrokenmindedx account and I feel like a HUGE weight is off of my shoulders! Now I haven’t LEFT you tube as I’m on another account keeping an eye on video’s and email certain people about certain collaborations.
I bet some of you are thinking… “is there even any point of having a break from your xbrokenmindedx account as your doing the same on your new one” yes. I find that whenever I log into my main account I see comments and messages and feel pressured into making new video’s! Going onto my channel and seeing, “Last sign in: 5 days ago” makes me feel accomplished… as you tube IS an addiction, and even though I don’t want to it up a break from it gives you a sense of accomplishment. Like a smoker who hasn’t touched a cigarette in a few weeks, then they look back on it and think… “Yeah… I don’t NEED this and can live my life without it”
As the holidays draw to a close and I find out what’s going on with this new college I’ve applied for, I’ll most defiantly be back. I can promise you that , I’m not ashamed to admit that my best friends are on the internet… even though people from my old college and people from all my different work placements tell me that their just, “online” friends and not real and talk a lot about the distance … you guys are the closest things to my heart; Spencer, Benjy, Nsg, Rory, Steven, Mhazz, Charlie, Pav, Darren … and then there was anne, who even though she’s looking down on me from heaven I still say she’s one of my best friends and has a huge impact on my life. It was her who taught me to ignore what everybody else thought and be who I want to be!
So yes. I’ll defiantly be back.

Youstaged is coming up! 29th august until 1st of September. I AM going =] Im going to be travelling down to Great Yarmouth on the Thursday to stay with Benjy (btw ben, I didn’t pull you back 😛 … those who have no idea what I’m on about read his blog) , also there will be spencer, darren and bens best friend Jones (jones is awesome!) and on the Friday Benjys LOVLEY dad who is seriously…. Awesome (he likes to read a lot like me… yay! He also use to do drama.. Yay!) is driving us to youstageness! It’ll be fun!

I quickly want to tell you guys, as I know “rumours” are going around that me and Benjy have had a fall out…. Friends are meant to argue *shruggs*, I don’t think you could say to my face, “I’ve never argued with one of my close friends” and be not lying. BUT all the same, Me and Ben are alright now. Don’t even bother asking anymore on it, its not needed 😛
Ben. You’re awesome sauce and ILY ❤

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