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August 19, 2008 at 3:38 pm (Uncategorized)

A few people have being worried for me lately and I just want to say sorry. I’ve had a lot of people contact me about the message I’ve left on my youtube page,

“Hi. Im going to be away for a while, not sure how long though. I just need to get away fro youtube for a bit. Leave me love.”

I’ve being having a hard yet very fun time at the moment.
So first of all the radio station has being such an eye opener to the things I’m capable to do and the goals I know I’m able to reach. I’ve made a lot of friends through it and I’ve being going out a lot more rather than sitting at home. Also, I’ve being very close with my cousins recently, as we never really spoke and I’m loving being so close to them and wish we won’t have quiet periods ever again.

Things I’m finding hard at the moment.

My A-level results (read my A-level blog below this)

Worrying about what I’m going to do with myself next year

College interviews

My dad HAS got in contact and I’m very confused with my feelings towards him, even though I’ve expressed them dearly in a video.

The youtube community changing. Things aren’t like how they use to be.

Arguments on youtube.

Money problems

My Waitressing job

Fall outs with friends

Confusion over a guy

So all of the above is why I’m having a “Break” from youtube.
If I get into college and find youtube is distracting me and if I’m still confused with what to do about my friends I’ve made online, because so many of you have touched my heart, (Mhazz, Spencer, Benjy, Ste, Tom, Rory and Anne (rip))
So if I do choose to leave my xbrokenmindedx youtube account , I’ll be updating this blog regulary to talk to you guys. I’ll be on msn but not as much… and I’ve made a new youtube account. Where I’ll be starting afresh … that youtube account is the keep in the know with all those I’ve learnt to love over the past year and make video’s which will help practice for my future ambitions.

(You know who you are)
I’m sorry and I hope we’ll be alright again soon.

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