
August 14, 2008 at 4:14 pm (Uncategorized)

So today I got my first year of A-level results. I was actually quite confident with what they were going to turn out to be and woke up in the best mood possible. I opened them in the car while my mum was driving me to my morning radio show … and was gutted by what I saw. I told my mum I failed, and held back the tears as I got out the car and waved goodbye to her. It was 9.50am and I was going to go live on air in 10minutes… as soon as I got to the studio my auntie was there, she asked how my results went to which I just replied, “I failed” and burst out crying.
Everybody in the studio saw it… now, its not very often I cry and I always try my hardest to keep these sort of emotions away from people. So yeah….

Media – EEU

Textiles – ECU
Drama – CBDC (best results!)

I managed to do a GREAT show today, I just put on a happy face and spoke confidently to my viewers and didn’t mention A-levels what so ever.
We even got a caller calling in saying the show was going really good, so that made my morning great, and Adam the person I do the morning show with helped cheer me up a lot.
As soon as the show was over, I went home… and cried a lot.
Mum took a proper look at my results and said how disappointed she was and that I hadn’t tried hard enough, when I had!

I’ve got a few choices to come up with in the next 3 weeks.

1) Go back to Lutterworth College (which I absolutely hate and quite possibly is the reason I failed my exams) and re-take year 12

2) Go to North Warickshire and Hinckley college and do a Btec course in drama for 2 years then do a HND media course after that

3) Move to Great Yarmouth with my RLbest friend Toni, get a job and get a flat with her while studying drama over there.



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