My Weekend

July 21, 2008 at 7:00 pm (Uncategorized)

This weekend has being one of the most amazing weekends I’ve had in a long time. In fact, the fun still hasn’t ended and I love every minute of it.

Friday night was one of the most nerve racking days I’ve had in a long time. I woke up early and had Jonny (JDM525) over we then drove into the centre of Leicester, which was fun in itself blasting music to ourselves and singing to shitty tunes. The nerve racking part came next…. We had to go meet DoctorBenjy. *shoots self in head* I hate him SO MUCH… well that’s obviously a lie. I don’t know why I was so nervous meeting him, as I speak to him all the time online.
After collecting Ben we then continued to St Margarets bus station, where we picked spencer up =] He did that thing where he just appears behind us for a few minutes and I turn around having the fright of my life then hug him for AGES. Lol XD
So once the four of us were together we went back to my house and I’ll be honest, I didn’t arrange anything for us to do, but we sat there for hours chilling and basically having a fun time. Night time was the most fun I must admit. The original plan was for all four of us to sleep in my living room.. two on the two sofa’s and two on the floor. Plenty of space and would of being comfy… but as we was up until late jonny stated he wanted to sleep in my room (ground check. MY ROOM IS TINY) Jonny stretched out on my floor by himself with the backing cushions off our sofa, where as Spencer laid on the end of my bed and me and Benjy crammed next to eachother… yeah, it was a tight fit and hurt after a few hours… Spencer and Jonny some how managed to sleep, but me and Benjy stayed up for the majority of the night talking endless crap. Love it. Was nice talking to him I guess, and totally random… he smells nice. Lol.

Next day we woke up bright and early, as I doubt we’d end up staying up late with the uncomfyness (not even a word) lol. First thing we did was go to NSG’s house, that was pretty gosh darn awesome =] Never being to his before so it was fun to just chill with him and nosey at all his music gadgets and endless computer screens (3) lol. We then got on the tube, realised Victoria line was closed (ARGHHHH) and ended up being an hour and a half late. But the whole day was awesome!
Best memories of Saturday

· Buying Barry Aldridge a ukulele. Making him talk to the camera while Dave stood behind him imitating sticking it up his arse. Hehehe, after all that he didn’t want it ¬_¬ so we gave the ukulele to alex.

· Sitting in hyde park next to Mhazz and just chilling (missed her)

· Went Tocarado (or however you spell it) and all ze’ youtubers went on the bumper cars. I shared a car with Sophiebeard, was VERY fun lol.

· Simply hugging Ben. Twas nice =]

· Seeing Iianardo and Kai again. Me, Mhazz and Beth ran over to them. That moment was special in itself =]

Some people had to go home and the rest carried onto Sophie’s house.
Best memories of Saturday Night

  • Invading stickaid and going on the big screen, where they had NO idea what we was on about… and all we was doing was screaming in a drunken state
  • Singing Birds and Foundations (Kate Nash) with Mhazz
  • Cramming on a double bed with Musicfromblueskies, omgmhazzrocks and randomprodinc
  • Fake tattoo’s EVERYWHERE
  • Attack of the glowsticks, lol… especially when Tom bit one open and his mouth started glowing
  • Random posing with Johncox88

  • A certain talk with a certain someone ^_^

Next day I woke up at 6.30am with Beth… we didn’t know what to do because everybody else was fast asleep so we went downstairs and tidied Sophie’s kitchen aka putting beer cans and vodka bottles in bags XD hmmm so that was about 30mins.. we then went into the living room and I went to go check on spencer. Aka. Stole his bed. LOL yeah, so I was asleep until 12, got dressed then we all walked for an hour to the nearest trainstation, to be honest I really enjoyed that long walk because I spent ages chatting to Mhazz and its being a while since we’ve spoken so much =] And we found out Benjy got featured, which was GREAT news. He deserved it =]

We didn’t really do much this day we just hung out and met up with Alex, Edd and Ivens which was funfunfun =] Also met Alex’s cousin… forgot his name, was it dan spncer? … yeah it was dan (spencers reading this as I type it lol) Found out he lives within 15mins of me, what a small world. Lol. So yeah, we spent about an hour playing that almighty amazing card game alex did, and tbh … it was confusing as fuck. Then everybody split up…. Last hug went to mhazz, I cried my eyes out. I love that girl.
Sunday night the three of us went back to NSGs this time Benjyless =[ gutted, but we still had a fun time… Spencer and Jonny were being boring and sat on NSGs sofa bed on the laptop. I on the other hand sat next to NSG while he was showing me how he makes his music, its truly amazing… and we even made a beat “Its like murdaaaa” hehe love it =] I went really shy when he tried to get me to sing down the microphone. Eeek

We went live on blogtv for a while, which was cool but NSG’s wi-fi fucked up and his net was going slow… and by this time it was 11pm … and me, jonny and spencer had to leave to get back to my house. In the end we got back to Leicester at about 2am.
Spencer and Jonny went to bed…. Together (wa-heyy) ahaha… kidding, but yeah they was tired so went sleep downstairs and I went for a shower and then went on my laptop for an hour.

Jonny left earlier and Spencers staying with me until Wednesday, so all in all its being a great weekend!

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