
June 29, 2008 at 3:47 am (Uncategorized)

Just something i did a while ago

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My web-page

June 29, 2008 at 3:29 am (Uncategorized)

How are you doing today my delightful audience?
My life compacted onto a web-page .
My life compacted onto a web-page for YOUR and lets not forget my benefit
I always feel the need to repeat myself.
i think i’m gonna feel at home here.
The internet is addictive a world inside another world a sheer genius place for escapism only briefly.
No another lie It’s a miracle when you think about how we get so caught up and it doesn’t even matter if we know them in real life.
It’s how many friends you have.
Its how many people you’ve fucked.
How many people remember your name.
How many people have said the three deadly words. ‘I Love You’
Who loves you? who hates you?
Who really cares.
Why we all do that’s why we take the time to sit infront of a keyboard and overanalyse everything we say to each other.
Your fonts are different but its all the same the hidden motives the secrets the lies.The only difference is I’m one of the first to admit trapped inside this world the attention encourages him.encourages her. Encourages us.Plurals change as do their true meanings.



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June 22, 2008 at 4:23 pm (Uncategorized)

I have many many friends on youtube, but there is a certain circle of them whom I love above all others 🙂

(I forgot to add charlieissocoollike to this list. SORRY <3)

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What on earth do i call this?!

June 22, 2008 at 2:42 am (Uncategorized)

Feel = Damp, i just ran outside to try and rescue one of our best cusions from a downpour! …. the poor cusion is now a squishy mesh of water. RIP. =[
Smell = Dampness… yeah. water = dampness smell
Taste = You know that icky taste of when you had something to eat and drink about an hour ago, and it tastes like foood…. but not, yeah that icky taste.
See = I can see this computer screen, but if i were to look around the room im sat in… two large and comfy chairs and windows with lots of rain drops running down them.
Hear =  Im listening to my new CD full blast! 🙂 Go buy it

So basically, i felt the need to write a new blog post but havn’t got the faintest idea what to say! Over te past two days i keep loading this page up with the intention of writing something really nice and something you guys ould enjoy reading…. and this is all i could come out with. Shit huh?


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June 18, 2008 at 1:43 pm (Uncategorized)

I have being on this earth for 17years 5months and 18 days, and in this time I have being called many different names… some annoyed me, some i loved and some just made me chuckle. Thought i’d share some with you! =]

Jessica (durrr)

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June 16, 2008 at 12:00 am (Uncategorized) ()

Recently omgmhazzrocks made a youtube video called, “Letters” inwhich she wrote messages to people without telling people who they were implyed for. It was pretty nice what she was saying, so i thought i’d join in with this but instead of making a video responce i made a blog responce



I’ve only being speaking to you for about a month now, but you have seriously captured my heart. Every time you speak I smile and I can loose myself staring into your eyes. It actually breaks my heart knowing you’re so far away, when all I want is for you to hold me in your arms. When we finally do meet, I’m obviously going to take you around the UK to all the great Harry Potter locations and we are going to magic it up with our other close friend XD


You are one of the most generous people I have ever met, and I feel guilty with how much you do for me. But you must know, I feel honoured to be your friend and hope we never ever loose contact.

I talk to you every day Mr.! And I love you loads =] you were one of the first people on youtube to really touch my heart and you taught me to be who I want to be, you got more a lot more interested in musicals and I love it, I actually think my drama grades have gone up a lot because of your advice and confidence.

We’ve not spoken to each other for weeks, but I just want you to know you was one of my first close friends on youtube and you still are a close friend. We have had so many laughs with each other and even though we’re going through a quiet patch, I hope we have many more laughs to come.


There is so much I want to say about you. You come before anybody else in my life. I tell you everything and we have a connection which is amazing. I’m so glad we’re such close friends because your one of the main reasons I wake up every day with a smile on my face. The past few days, we’ve not spoken as much as usual … but as school has started again, I’ll learn to put that behind me and look forward to the summer holidays. Whenever I’m with you we cannot stop hugging and gossiping… we have such a laugh! And I know at times I seem pretty bossy towards you, but I guess I’m pretty over protective and I don’t want to see you get hurt. I love you.



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A world of Magic

June 12, 2008 at 11:52 pm (Uncategorized) ()

I remember, I was 9 when I first read Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone. It immediately became my favorite book as I delved into a world of magical mayhem. This was the first book I had ever read, and got all the way through… so not only was (am) I thankful for JK Rowling to create an amazing world of magic, I’m thankful to her for getting me interest in reading. I can’t last a month without reading at least 2 books now, and I’m 17 (do the math’s, that’s a lot of books! :P)
            I was one of those children, who sat up until the late hours… staring longingly into the starry night sky, in the wee hope an owl would bring me a letter inviting me to Hogwarts. I was gutted it never arrived, and so I escaped into my own world of Harry Potter… building it up around me, I made lots of friends and brought cloaks… we’d spend hours role-playing in the garden and hiding the brooms from our mothers so we didn’t get told off for writing, “Nimbus 2000” all over them.  We were so cool! Well, in our eyes that is. The Harry Potter generation, that’s what I was a part of! And now the books have ended, I’m not embarrassed to say I’m still living in this generation. Like your grandparents, dressing in 60’s clothing. I love it, and I don’t care what people think! Trust me; people think a lot of things. Mostly good, I’ve made A LOT of friends through running websites for fellow HP fans such as myself. When I moved away from all my fellow Harry Potter friends when I lived in Wales, it was like the whole world crashed around me and I got a harsh stab of reality. People in my new school where different, the kids laughed at my Welsh accent and laughed at by the fact I had a pencil case with the Hogwarts crest on it. I remember spending countless nights crying to myself, wishing my broom would work again and I could fly back to all my friends. It wouldn’t work…. And the magic vanished.
            Mum decided she would get me a computer, she saw how hard I was finding it to make friends as we’d moved to a small town and there were only 10 people in my class at the time, including me. None of which understood my magical interest and ambitions. I started joining in with online role playing on the site neopets.com. Now that was a lot of fun! I made up a character called Agetta Black, she was obviously related to Sirius, she was a death eater and could transform into a panther. At the time, there was a lot of other people role-playing with me, and we made up really fun stories… as I grew out of that site the films started to be made. So I was in luck and pre-occupied by them and fan sites such as mugglenet.com, there I learnt a lot of spells and histories behind Quidditch teams etc… My mum actually said if there was a Hogwarts school, she would most defiantly send me there, I know so much about Ancient ruins, Spells, Potions, Mythical creatures… you name it and I know it! It became a huge hobby again, and I pretended I was having private study in Hogwarts. Private lessons in which the faces of all my Harry Potter heroes and logo’s stared down at me from my wall. Loved it.
            The biggest jeopardy I got in loosing my faith in the Harry Potter world was when I got my first ever boyfriend. Christopher Poole, now HE was an amazing guy, and I’m not afraid and ashamed to say he was my love and I still miss him to this day (the old him, he’s actually changed a lot with time… I wont go into that) Well anyway, I didn’t spend much time on the computer anymore, which was absolutely great I guess! However, that meant less time away from Harry Potter… mind you, I still had the posters… the soundtracks… the movies and the books. But the fan-sites, the online role-playing, the fan-faction, the fan-art, the wizard rock was not there…. Then I found out Chris didn’t like Harry Potter, in fact his exact words were, “I loathe it” I loved this boy, we had a lot in common, he just didn’t know this one and truly major thing about me. So I chucked out all evidence of liking Harry Potter. This included deleting a guild I owned with my best friend of the time, Victoria, which was actually called Amortentia.  I lost my best friend, as I wasn’t on the computer to talk to her anymore… the only thing I actually have to remember her by is a set of silver earrings she sent me on my 14th birthday. Love those earrings, still wear them today actually.  
3 years later. We broke up, I was 16 and that was only one year ago. I didn’t quite know what to do with myself, that’s when I stumbled across youtube… I’m addicted to that website, like…. Seriously and scarily addicted. My best friends are from it actually! And unlike my harry potter friends who are mostly over in America, I actually get the chance to meet up with these friends… but that doesn’t mean Harry Potter was still at the back of my mind.The last book came out, I was in tears by the fact it was over but so happy I read it… it got me back into Harry Potter all over again. Back into the generation and society I’m suppose to thrive in. I’ve taken up with the online role-playing again and my character Agetta Black is back … but with a few changes. Her name is Agetta Ellson, she is a Hufflepuff and specializes in Transfiguration. If you ever hear that name around any Harry Potter role-play sites, she’s me.
            I’ve also got an oncoming project on youtube, combining my two addictions and loves. A vlog site, which is named Amortentias (ring a bell? Hehe) Its going to be me and my two best friends Dan (from America) and Spencer (From Stoke in the UK) and hopefully it’ll last a whole year. I won’t go fully into it, as it’s quite secret at the moment… and I know there are a few people who are reading this blog entry. But what I will say, and what I will end on is … Harry Potter is a part of my life, if you don’t like Harry Potter that’s fine! But if you want to be my friend, you need to learn to live with the fact I don’t live in the real world. I AM a student at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. I AM a hufflepuff. I own a wand and I AM a witch. No matter what.

(June 13th – 1am)

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First entry!

June 12, 2008 at 4:33 pm (Uncategorized) ()

So i guess I should talk about myself to start things off, for any random person who has stumbled across this page or for a friend who wants to know a wee bit more about myself.

Im Jessica Anne Ellen Ellson, hence the name JAEE. I’m 17 years old and I live in the city of Leicestershire, in the centre of England. I really love it here, im surrounded by alot of fields and nature which i … adore!

An image i took in my backgarden! XD

The only times i tend to go out are on long walks, making youtube video’s or going out with the family. I don’t have many friends around my town, as not many people around here share the same interests of video making and nature as i do. bummer huh?! Although i meet up with friends about once a month from all over the UK, which is awesome when it happens =]

At times, it gets relly hard and depressing having friends so far away. But as they say, you cant have to much of a good thing. My best friend, Spencer (youtube = cashboxkeys)is lucky to only live about 2 hours from me Up in stoke. He actually spent 5 days at mine not so long ago, those days where amazing and i will always remember the fun we both had. YUM YUMS.
My second best friend, Steven (youtube = steandkel) lives up in Manchester. And i’ve only met him once, which was a really fun day despite the fact it rained all day! arghhh… I talk to him ALL the time and he knows a side of me which nobody else knows, not even my best friend spencer. ahaha. I love this guy, a little too much sometimes.
And last but not least there is Dan, I love this dude with a passion. Known as Chunkofbuffalo on youtube, he was my first real fangirl. ahaha, bless him ^_^ I’ve actually being speaking to him ALOT recently, and we’re planning on meeting up for a few weeks sometime… Him coming to England as he lives in Georgia… and maybe me going to visit him when i can get over there!

Wow, i’ve written more about my friends than what i have about myself… that pretty much prooves how much they mean to me.
Well a few other things you should know about me is im an honest kinda person, for this quite alot of people see me as a bitch. But i don’t really care, if somebody asks me how their outfit looks and i honestly don’t like it. I’d most deffinatly let them know =p
When it comes to music, most always call me a goth, emo, grebo. I shall tell you NOW that is not at all what I am like. About a year ago, i got out of a 3 year long relationship with this guy named Chris. He was a grebo, and as you do when you find a young love you try to impress and adapt to them as best you could, so i hid from him the fact i love pop music and musicals, and endured countless rock concerts and dark clothing. Ahaha, however…. as i havn’t got much money as i travel around the uk alot visiting friends, i cant afford much clothing, so some of the old goth/emo clothing still remains in my style. I can’t help it, and tbh … i don’t care.
Example of some of the music I listen to:
– The Feeling
– Sara Bareilles
– The Hoosiers
– Britney Speares
– Linkinpark
– Alphabeat
– Razorlight
– Rhianna
– Eminem
– Hairspray
– Highschool musical

See what i mean? 😛

Ok, what else? ummmm actually i think i’ve written enough for today. So i’ll post again soon =]
Love Jess



(June 12th – 6.30pm)

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